Brunswick, Maine
Established 1821

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Ed Langbein, Jr., President
Victor Papacosma, Treasurer
Jayne C. Palmer
Linda Barton
Nancy Barton
Nancy S. Pennell
John Lacasse
Anne Heinig
Glenn Michaels
Jim Warner

Do you have questions or comments about our Cemetery Walking Tour?
Please contact Richard Snow.
The Snow Index to Brunswick Newspapers is a search tool for articles published by the Brunswick Telegraph and the Brunswick Record from 1863 to 1960. Created by Richard Snow, the obituaries and articles are searchable by a person's name, keyword or date.Transcriptions of some of the articles are available in PDF format. Additional indexing contributions were made by John Goff.
Other Sources:
Curtis Memorial Library -- Brunswick History
Pejepscot Historical Society -- Rebecca Roche Blog on Pine Grove Cemetery
George Augustus Wheeler, History of Brunswick,Topsham and Harpswell, Maine
(Boston: Alfred Mudge Son, 1878).